C Language Training in Hyderabad

Course Structure

Indentation, If else, Operators, The “WHILE” Loop, The “For “ Loop, Nested Loop Statements, The “BREAK” & “CONTINUE” Statement, Switch case default & break, All Data types, Bitwise operators
Introduction to Functions, Need for Functions, Standard & User defined Functions, What is header file, How to create our own header file, Difference between source file & exe file, How to create exe file , Defining & Calling Functions, Storage Classes, Pass by Value, pass by Reference , Return by value & return by address, Recursive Functions
Memory concept, Pointers to variable, Pointers to pointers, Pointers with operation
Introduction to Arrays, Need for Arrays, Arrays with pointers, Arrays with functions, Types of Arrays,One Dimensional Arrays, Two Dimensional Arrays, Multi Dimensional Arrays
Char pointers, Char array (String), Declaring & Initializing String Variables, Strings with pointers, Strings with functions, String Functions, Creation of our own string.h, Array of Strings, #define (preprocessing work)
Enum and typedef, Introduction to Structures , Defining Structures, Struct with pointers, arrays, strings and functions, Array ,strings as Structures Members, Containership, Union, Different between Structure & Union
Introduction to files, Types of Files, File Pointers, Opening & Closing Files, Modifying & deleting Files, Interacting with, Creating database with file operation, Command Line Arguments, Dynamic memory allocation ( DS ) ( Memory management ), Purpose of dynamic memory allocation, Malloc , calloc ,realloc and free, Sorting, Recursion, Lists, Single linked lists, Double linked lists, Circular linked lists, Stacks,Queues, Adding 2 lists, Inserting a node in required position, Deleting a node from required position,

1. As a middle level language, C combines the features of both high level and low level languages. It can be used for low-level programming, such as scripting for drivers and kernels and it also supports functions of high level programming languages, such as scripting for software applications etc.
2. C is a structured programming language which allows a complex program to be broken into simpler programs called functions. It also allows free movement of data across these functions.
3. Various features of C including direct access to machine level hardware APIs, presence of C compilers, deterministic resource use and dynamic memory allocation make C language an optimum choice for scripting applications and drivers of embedded systems.
4. C language is case-sensitive which means lowercase and uppercase letters are treated differently.
5. C is highly portable and is used for scripting system applications which form a major part of Windows, UNIX and Linux operating system.
6. C is a general purpose programming language and can efficiently work on enterprise applications, games, graphics, and applications requiring calculations etc.
7. C language has a rich library which provides a number of built-in functions. It also offers dynamic memory allocation.
8. C implements algorithms and data structures swiftly, facilitating faster computations in programs. This has enabled the use of C in applications requiring higher degrees of calculations

  Course Duration45 Days
  Upcoming BatchMonday – Saturday

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